Iridium Certus 9770 Transceiver

The Iridium CertusTM 9770 transceiver is an Iridium® core technology component provided to the company’s partner network for the development of cutting-edge products and services. The transceiver provides midband IP data services with L-Band speeds ranging from 22 Kbps transmit to 88 Kbps receive, in addition to high-quality voice connectivity. The size and speed of the device make it ideal for applications requiring richer data transfers, pictures, low-resolution streaming and enhanced telemetry delivered through small-form factor antennas and terminals.


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  • 1616 MHz to 1626.5 MHz
  • External Passive Omnidirectional Antenna
  • 9 dBW (With Compliant Antenna)
  • Serial Interface at 230.4 kBaud
  • PPP Over Serial Interface with Programmable Baud Rate
  • 2S Interface
  • 6 Wire Interface for Connection to 1.8/3 V SIM